Intermediate/Advanced Song Workshop
for singers, accompanists and bands
July 19 - 26 (unstructured day on July 23)
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. & 3 – 6 p.m.

with Michael Alpert, Alan Bern, Kyriakos Gouventas, Vassilis Ketentzoglou, Sasha Lurje & Sofia Papazoglou

Did you know that the famous Yiddish song Yoshke fort avek and the equally famous Greek song Magiko share the same melody? This is not a fluke, but just one of many melodies found in both Yiddish and Greco-Turkish songs. What explains this? What do such songs have in common, and what are their differences? How can we interpret them traditionally, and how can we use them to create new music? These and similar questions fueled a legendary musical collaboration in 2003 between Brave Old World and the Smyrna Trio. Almost 20 years later, members of both groups reunite for a new round of musical creation and to lead this workshop with fresh insights. This workshop is not only for singers, but also for accompanists and bands. We will form ensembles to create and perform the repertoire learned in the workshop.

To feel comfortable in this workshop, you should have: 
i) a strong basic understanding of either Yiddish or Greek vocal repertoire or both, OR
ii) strong vocal or instrumental ability in another tradition (e.g. classical, jazz, Irish, Fado,etc.) as well as the ability to learn music by ear.

If you are an intermediate-to-advanced singer or instrumentalist and your main interest is the “fundamentals” of Yiddish vocal or instrumental music, please consider the Introduction to Yiddish Song or Introduction to Klezmer Music workshops. We highly recommend the workshop “Judaism on the Other Foot” to all participants interested in more background about Jewish thought and rituals!

Workshop fee: 460 € Standard / 355 € Reduced / 635 € Sponsor / 180 € under 18