Judaism on the Other Foot:
a whirlwind tour of Jewish culture and ritual
July 14-17
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. & 3 – 6 p.m.

with Miriam Camerini

Highly recommended for participants in all other workshops during Yiddish Summer Weimar, especially song workshops!
Following the resounding success of “Judaism on One Foot,” which premiered during YSW21, orthodox Rabbi-in-training, performer and theater director Miriam Camerini returns in 2022 to continue the breathtaking journey into the very basics of Jewish religious rituals, texts and practices. Miriam shares her perspective that is at once traditional and contemporary. Delve into fundamental Jewish texts, such as the Bible and Talmud, experience the meaning of shabes (Shabbat) as a day of non-creation, and learn about essential cultural practices, including food! This workshop provides an essential context that will enrich your experience and understanding of anything else you may do during Yiddish Summer. It is aimed at newcomers to Jewish thought as well as last year’s participants. And people with extensive Jewish knowledge will encounter here a perspective that is thought-provoking and inspiring!

Workshop fee: 285 € Standard / 225 € Reduced / 385 € Sponsor / 125 € under 18