Dov-Ber Kerler (USA; Yiddish language)

A native of Moscow moved to Jerusalem at the age of 13, studied, served and taught in Jerusalem. Fourteen years later moved to England where he wrote and submitted the first Oxford University PhD on Yiddish. Taught Yiddish at Oxford for nearly 16 years.
In 2001 moved to Indiana University at Bloomington become its first Dr Cohen Chair in Yiddish Studies. Written and edited numerous academic and literary publications that in Israel, England, and more recently Sweden.
Since 1993 publishes original Yiddish poetry – under the penname "Boris Karloff". To-dte published six collection of poetry, one of the, Shpigksav – getseylte lider – "Words in a Mirror – handpicked selecton (Jerusalem, 1996) together with his father the illustrious Yiddish poet and editor, Josef Kerler (1918-2000).
Since 2002 he is a co-founder and director of the AHEYM Project at Indiana University curating close to a thousand extensive ethnographic Yiddish in-situ interviews with the last generations of pre-war born and raised native Yiddish speakers in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova, Hungary and Slovakia (2002-2018).

For more information on Dov-Ber and his projects, please see: